Crime and Corruption in India

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Book Code: 9788187217008

J.R. Vij

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CRIME AND CORRUPTION IN INDIA About The Book Corruption is the central fact of Indian life today. After 50 years of independence and the free play of democratic forces, the cancer of corruption has creeped into every aspect of political and social life. Criminalization of politics has led to the mushrooming of criminal gangs who are financing and fighting elections along with politicians with a relatively clean track record. The stranglehold of the underworld over politicians has been so menacing that despite a democracy formally in existence, political rulers have abdicated their responsibility to criminal gangs. What do we understand by corruption, what are the factors that have led to the mushrooming of corruption and what are the likely consequences for the stability and future of the Indian state? As the run-up to the General Elections begins, these are some of the fundamental questions raised in this book and with some tentative answers of what could be done within a democratic framework. Is there any hope to stop the juggernaut of corruption that is taking us down a one-way road to disaster? If so, what is the solution? Do we have the political will to do so when the politicians are so corrupt and have begun to behave like criminals? These, and other critical questions, have been examined against a background of the growing corruption of the Indian state in the past few decades. Contents To My Readers ? Introduction ? Crime and Corruption ? A Cancerous Corruption ? Welfare and Corruption ? Crime and Corruption: The Civil Services ? Urban Crime ? Elections: Mafia and crime ? Scamopaedia India ? Non-Violence: a Way of life ? Crime, Corruption and Good Governance ? Mafiasation of Indian Polity ? political Corruption ? poverty, Population, pollution and Corruption ? Global Ramifications of Corruption ? Indian Economy & NRIs ? Work Ethics About the author/editor J.R.Vij is a Canadian Citizen (NRI) who has studied the corruption of the Indian state and society from a longer view of the time and distance. Having lived and worked in Canada for over 30 years he has brought his vast experience to bear on this study which juxtaposed with the relative cleanliness of western life and society. Much of this work is also an outpouring of his own personal experience with Indian authorities in almost every sphere of life which has steadily deteriorated over the years. What has prompted him to take up the pen is the openness of corruption and its acceptance by the people which is a recipe for disaster.

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